GAZPACHO by Fat Mike from NOFX * 1 clump of celery * 1 large onion * 1 cucumber * about 15 radishes * 2 avocados * 3 large tomatoes * 1 bell pepper * 2 cans vegetable broth * 4 to 8 cups tomato juice (or V8) * heaps of tabasco sauce Preparation: 1) Finely chop the vegetables and put in a large bowl. 2) Add tabasco. 3) Pour in chilled vegetable broth and tomato juice. 4) Add tabasco sauce. 5) Chill for 1 hour and serve in a bowl of tabasco (optional). 6) That's right, no heating or cooking, it's supposed to be cold. Comments: "What's nice about cooking gazpacho is that you don't have to cook gazpacho. This is all you gotta do. Delicious served as an appetizer, or with a vodka chaser. WARNING: no dating after consumption, breath will stink and high probability of flatulence (does not apply to Europeans)."